Monday, December 12, 2011

Tonga's human rights political party confesses

Just as the IRA has a political wing, Sinn Fein and ETA has Batasuna; the Friendly Islands Human Rights and Democracy Movement also has a political affiliate, the Friendly Islands People's Democratic Party. Although FIHRDM director Mr. Po'oi Pohiva had strenuously and publicly denied that the two entities are remotely related. The regular FIHRDM program on TV now openly discusses the performances of the party's members of parliament and applies pressure on those who step out of line; a somewhat tacit and quiet admission. The current Minister of Justice Hon. Clive Edwards had accused the FIHRDM in 2010 of meddling in the political process but was met with all those fierce and angry denials. The Times of Tonga newspaper had reported then that the office address and contact phone numbers of the party were exactly those of the FIHRDM.

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